Message from the CEO

This is a free site— all writing, acting, laughing is free. “Our goal is to entertain your mind.” This is a place for bright upcoming writers and actors to let their work be heard. If you think that you can write better than what you see or hear on TV, radio even the internet, then you my friend are who we are looking for. Have you shown your idea to some other web site just to have it shot down? As long as it’s G to PG-13, give us a shot. My fine crew will look it over; all work is checked out in a very conferential way and will be decided if it is of “the right stuff” for this site. LOL.

Now, we do not expect you to be an expert, but maybe we can help out. “Networking is a great tool”. As the web site indicates, we are the Misfits’ Audio People; we know what it is like to be turned down, so we will look at your idea with much anticipation. Do you have a spoof series? Do you have a funny/serious show for our actors to do? Are you a person that can do different voices? Check us out! If we do not have the voice needed, we will go out on the web do a casting call. You don’t have to be perfect, as other places want you to be. Remember, our goal is to have fun and to get talented writers, voices and ideas out there. Who knows, some day you may get a call from some big TV or radio Executive wanting to know you better, all because we gave you the chance to get your idea or ideas out. So please, keep that in mind if you become RICH and Famous.

We don’t want any Political or Religious spoofs. However, if you have a funny or serious Holiday script or anything that is a spoof you want to share, we would love to see or even “hear” them. Any story that can be done as an audio show, give us a try. Let us give you a chance to become part of our audio family.

Thank You!
Capt. John Tadrzak
CEO of MisfitsAudio

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March 2025
