The Lone Ranger Ep 12: “A Doctor’s Storyā€¯

As The Lone Ranger and Tonto are heading to a new town, to check on new Out Law posters, they come across a situation that will change not only a Doctor’s life, but a whole town.

If you would like to hear more Lone Ranger stories, please post a comment! Send to Please, to help us out, “go to the HOME page”, right column, and go down to “Donate”. It would be much appreciated and every little bit will help.


X Minus One Ep 85: “Open Warfare”

Could YOU compete against yourself?


Removal of X Minus One

Removal of “X Minus One from our site”

Peter, all donations are welcome. We have over 3000 fans that listen to the series but when we asked for help we received nothing. We would appreciate what ever you can offer and if you can get out the message, we are in much need, it will help. I’m at this moment not sure if we can bring it back, it all depends on the bottom line. The cost of everything has gotten so bad and now with my wife salary gone since last Nov, She passed away from MS, keeping major bills paid has become too hard. We had a audio each Monday for almost 10 years but that will come to an end also. We need to raise a few hundred to restart the cleaning process, so I’m hoping more will step up. Any other site would charge the fans for each episode, but as you seen we didn’t. If you go to the home page and scroll down on the right side of the page you’ll come to a pay pal button where you can donate. Thank you for your offer. Cap


X Minus One Ep84: “Girls from Earth”

What if there were no women on Mars for the Earth Men to marry? Would you want to stay there or….


X Minus One Ep 83:

When a person is lonely they need to remember someone else is lonelier.This has been true though out time.


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March 2025
