George and Gracie Epidode 7: Blondie

The original George and Gracie comedians have been around even back during the early times of Blondie’s Comic strip, around 1941, the comic strip drawn by Chic Young and distributed by King Features Syndicate, has been in the news papers ever since then. With permission from King Features we were lucky enough to combine two great strips into one great show. We hope you like our combination of these two great American Icons.This audio was written by Capt. John Tadrzak, adapted from the comic strip “Blondie by Chic Young”, “Blondie” has been with us for over 70 years and is still read by millions worldwide. A tip of the hat to, King Features Syndicate, Inc, Chip Young and his family for keeping “Blondie” as fresh and relevant as it was back in the 30’s.

Written and Directed by Capt. John Tadrzak

Editing and Post-Production by James W. Smagata

WebMistress: April Sadowski

Sound Effects:
James Smagata

Featuring the Voice Talent of
Murray Retread as the Announcer
Devon Healey as Gracie Allen
Capt. John Tadrzak as George Burns

George and Gracie Episode 6: Gracie’s Old Boyfriend

George? Jealous over Gracie’s “girlhood sweetheart” who is coming for a visit? No, not GEORGE! “That’s kid stuff!”.
Sure it is.

Written in 1944 for the “George and Gracie” radio show.
(author uknown-public domain)
Produced, Directed and Mixed by Jim Smagata

Featuring the Voice Talent of
Gracie: Devon Healey
George: Capt. John Tadrzak
Bill Goodwin: Jim Smagata
Paul Whiteman: Phillipe Jullian
Jimmy Cash: Mark Koelsch
Keith Fowler: Phil Stonhouse

Sound Effects:
James Smagata

George and Gracie Episode 5: Spinach Souffle

Could there be a communication problem or is one hard of hearing? You be the judge.

Written and Directed by Capt. John Tadrzak
Editing and Post-Production by James W. Smagata

Featuring the Voice Talent of
Murray Retread as the Announcer
Devon Healey as Gracie Allen
Capt. John Tadrzak as George Burns

Sound Effects:
James Smagata

George and Gracie Episode 4 “Oops”

Sometimes when you reach too high, you may not get what you’re reaching for. As George is about to find out.

Written by Capt. John Tadrzak
Directed/Edited/Post-Production by James W. Smagata

Featuring the Voice Talent of
Murray Retread as The Announcer
Capt. John Tadrzak as George Burns
Devon Healey as Gracie Allen

Music Credits:
Pennies from Heaven, Fan Based, Kevin MacLeod

Sound Effects:
James Smagata

George & Gracie Episode 3: Sick

Join the hilarious duo in their latest episode!

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