Doctor Who: Leela Part 4

This serial is set after “The Invasion of Time”, and follows the adventures of Leela, Andred and K9. Episode 1 is set in Virginia City, 1870s and is called “Land of Silver”, a five parter.

Part 4: The Doctor and Leela find themselves in a time loop and attempt to use the TARDIS to break free while Andred and Pausanius find the Time Meddler only to be taken out into the street to be shot.

Star Rabbit Tracks 2: Underwater Trouble

The Star Rabbits arrive at a planet covered with oceans and venture beneath the surface to assist a scientist, but all is not what it seems…

Star Rabbit Tracks

Star Rabbit Tracks is a brainstorm of Capt. John Tadrzak. We hope that you will leave a comment, to determine if this series should continue. Imagine, if you would, where a race of highly intelligent beings, which travel in outer space, were Rabbits.

Doctor Who: Leela Part 3

This serial is set after “The Invasion of Time”, and follows the adventures of Leela, Andred and K9. Episode 1 is set in Virginia City, 1870s and is called “Land of Silver”, a five parter.

Part 3: Leela sets off to save Pausanius, but they find themselves in a trap set by the Time Meddler and Leela is trapped in her own past.

ROB: Europa

On Europa, our intrepid weather reporter has what he thinks will be a pleasant evening, but it quickly goes south as only ROB knows how to do.

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November 2024
