Misfits Audio presents Lawn Care

An elderly couple faces an unusual mystery involving their Christmas lawn ornaments.


Misfits Audio Presents: “Reindeer Games”

The Reindeer Games are the Superbowl of the North Pole. Winners guide the sleigh – losers stay home. When you bring in Jack Frost and Jacob Marley as coaches this could be the biggest battle ever for the Games. Who has game – who goes home? Grabbed the family, some hot cocoa and your imagination – these games are gonna be good.

“Reindeer Games” as well as the special “Christmas Bullies” episode was written and produced by Glenn Hascall.


Moop Saves Christmas

When Santa falls ill, it’s up to the little alien Moop to save the big day.

Performed by Scott Fortney

All the characters, imaginary or not, that is portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead or at the North Pole, is purely coincidental. Merry Christmas


December Twine

Have you ever wanted to return to a quieter time in America’s history to celebrate Christmas. December Twine takes you back to 1923 as guests of the Sutton House discover more about themselves and their quiet host, Wesley Sutton.


The Little Match Girl

Misfits Audio presentation of The Little Match Girl as written by Hans Christian Andersen, a work that exists in the public domain. There is very little that separates any of us from The Little Match Girl. It is possible that you have been were she was. Your experience may lead you to understand that a helping hand may just be the encouragement they need to hold on a little longer, believe a little stronger, and hope for a better day. With the thought of giving, Misfits audio presents The Little Match Girl.


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March 2025
