Star Rabbit Tracks Ep 2-06: Return of Deadeye

Return of Deadeye

A spot of R & R for the crew of the Jackalope leads to a bigger adventure for Lt Taddy McZacker when he encounters a face from the past, Deadeye Eastlife. While they search for buried treasure, Captain Peter Rabbit and Doctor Harvey ‘Hopper’ Smith enjoy a relaxing meal with old friends Dr Bunny Hopp and Mary Hoppitt. But something isn’t quite right.

Star Rabbit Tracks, “Return of Deadeye” was written by N.J. Rainford.

Featured in the cast were:

Alex Gilmour as Capt. Peter Rabbit

Michael Liebmann as Dr. Harvey “Hopper” Smith

David Maciver as Lt. Taddy McZacker

Bobbi Owens as the Announcer

Our Special Guests were:

Deborah Adams as the Facility Computer

H. Keith Lyons as Deadeye Eastlife

Bernadette M Groves as Guard

Capt. John Tadrzak as Quink

Michael Hudson as Maitre De

Megan Pressley as Mary Hoppitt

Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as Dr. Bunny Hop

Jim Smagata as Grunt

The Originator of Star Rabbit Tracks is Capt. John Tadrzak

Editing By Jim Smagata and Capt. John Tadrzak

Produced by Capt. John Tadrzak

Art and Post-production by: James W. Smagata

Webmaster: April Sadowski

Capt. John Tadrzak is CEO of

Star Rabbit Tracks, “Return of Deadeye” was written by N.J. Rainford, from a title suggested by Andrew Martin.

We would like to confirm that no harm came to any Humans, Rabbits, Robots or Ships, while producing this audio. We are not affiliated in any way with, Star Trek or Beatrix Potter. The hand to eye co-ordination and hours of practice put in by Taddy McZacker to play the 4 ball pot, used in the pool hall scene, was much appreciated, and we were happy to use take 616 where he actually potted them all.
This production is for enjoyment purposes only.

Misfits Audio, Copyright 2011

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