Star Rabbit Tracks Ep 8, “Statues, Racing and Doobie Bunnies”

“Peter Rabbit races against time and an old rival to find a precious artifact.”

Star Rabbit Tracks, “Statues, Racing and Doobie Bunnies” was written by N.J. Rainford.

Featured in the cast were:

Alex Gilmour as Capt. Peter Rabbit
Bobbi Owens as Lt. Tonya Ears and the Narrator
Rocky Rungano as Commander Thumper
David Maciver as Lt. Taddy McZacker
Stefania Lintonbon as Robot Delta
Michael Liebmann as Dr Harvey ‘Hopper’ Smith

Our very Special Guest was:

Darren Marlar as Admiral Jimbob
John Bell as Pierre Doobie-Bunny and Alistair McVicar.
Bill Smagata as Robot Omega

Series created by Capt. John Tadrzak
Editing By Jim Smagata and Capt. John Tadrzak
Produced by Capt. John Tadrzak
Executive Producer N. J. Rainford
Post-production by: James W. Smagata
Webmaster: April Sadowski
Art by Apoc Hedgie
Capt. John Tadrzak CEO of

We would like to confirm that no harm came to any Rabbits or Robots during the making of this adventure. All high warp racing and atmosphere bouncing was performed by trained professionals on a closed course- do not attempt. We are not affiliated in any way with Star Trek, Indiana Jones or Beatrix Potter. This production is for enjoyment purposes only.

Misfits Audio, Copyright 2012.

Stay tuned for our next episode coming soon!

One Comment to “Star Rabbit Tracks Ep 8, “Statues, Racing and Doobie Bunnies””

  • This was a heck of a lot of fun to put together. Hope you enjoy the results!

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