Star Rabbit Tracks, Ep: 4-02: “Part 2- “Watership Rising”


Tension increases aboard the Jackalope as Pigwig commandeers a Starship, and heads toward the mysterious planet Waterdown, in search of….

Star Rabbit Tracks Season 4 episode 2, “Watership Dawn” featured the voice talents of:

Alex Gilmour as Capt. Peter Rabbit
Bobbi Owens as Lt. Commander Tonya Ears
Tom Chalker as Commander Thumper
David Maciver as Lt. Taddy McZacker and Jupiter L McZacker
Melissa D. Sternenberg as Dr Jacqueline Flopsy
Stefania Lintonbon as Robot Delta
Bill Smagata as Robot Omega
John Bell as Field Marshal Pigwig
Glenn Hascall as Connery
Pete Lutz as Butler and Capaldi
Glenn Higbee as Fox Controller
Jennifer Rice as Admiral Janebob
Bobbi Owens as the Announcer

Star Rabbit Tracks, “Watership Dawn” was written by N.J. Rainford, based on the series created by Capt. John Tadrzak

Webmastered and CEO. Capt. John Tadrzak

Post-production by: James W. Smagata

We would like to confirm that if you wish to become involved in the Hares United Union then you should send a cheque for 100 carrots to 555 Hopalong Boulevard, West Pillington, Overbite.
No refunds, no change, no dental care.

We are not affiliated in any way with, Star Trek, Bambi, Douglas Adams and Beatrix Potter. This production is for enjoyment purposes only… Copyright 2016, Misfits Audio.

One Comment to “Star Rabbit Tracks, Ep: 4-02: “Part 2- “Watership Rising””

  • Took a while, but part 2 is out! Hope you enjoy it. Part 3, the conclusion, coming as soon as I can get it together!

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