The Lone Ranger Episode 5 “The Return of Butch Cavendish”

The Lone Ranger Ep5

The Return of Butch Cavendish

This exciting, and emotional audio, explains how it all began.

The Lone Ranger and related characters were created by George W. Trendle and Fran Stryker, and lovingly restored by the Misfits Audio players.

Featuring the voice talents of:

Jon Specht as ANNOUNCER
Theodore Smagata as DAN REID
Brian Finnegan as CAPTAIN REID
Paul Lavelle, Murray Retread, Johnny T as the RANGERS
Bear Schacht as COLLINS
Christopher Stadther as SPARKS
Johnny T. as Tonto and
Jim Patton as The Lone Ranger

Producer and Editor: Capt. John Tadrzak
Mixer and Sound Effects: Jim Smagata
Webmaster: April Sadowski
Art Director: Steven “Sash” Scott

“The Lone Ranger” was adapted for Misfits Audio by Capt. John Tadrzak
and was presented for enjoyment and nostalgic purposes only. Misfitsaudio, copyright 2011

10 Comments to “The Lone Ranger Episode 5 “The Return of Butch Cavendish””

  • This has got to be one of my favorites and the best yet. Thanks to all the actors who brought it to life.

  • John Smith also commented on Misfits Audio’s note “THE LONE RANGER”.

    John wrote:
    “Dan Reid Jr., who rode with the Lone Ranger in several episodes. The son of the Lone Ranger’s brother. Is the same Dan Reid who is the father of Britt Reid, the Green Hornet. Making the Lone Ranger the great uncle of the Green Hornet.”

  • Patrick Harold DeBord posted on Misfits Audio’s Wall.

    Patrick wrote:
    “Concerning the Lone Ranger, or more specifically Tonto. Is it really necessary to have his dialogue in the old broken English that Fran Striker wrote. On the radio you had a classically trained Shakespearean actor, (John Todd) stumbling to speak bad English. On TV you had one of the most educated men in the country at the time in Jay Silverheels speaking broken English. Fortunately Micheal Horse in “the Legend of the Lone Ranger” refused to continue the tradition and spoke almost English as well as the Lone Ranger.”

  • Misfits Audio These episodes are true to the original scripts from the radio shows back in the 50’s. If we would use regular English, would people be unhappy with that. There were more radio and TV shows that had him using broken English, then the single movie that did not. Capt. John

  • Wouldn’t almost anybody learning a new language stumble and make mistakes? I am hoping that this is the idea that gets across, not that we are stereotyping Native Americans. As Cap noted, we are being true to the Trendle and Striker scripts. In the 30-50’s, it was how things were. Agreed that the actors were extremely well educated, but their character was not.

    To most people, Tonto is what Striker and Trendle created him to be. If you are referring to the movie with Clinton Spilsbury as LR, then that is a bad example. As is the newer TV movie. Even Spilsbury’s voice was not his own- he was re-dubbed by someone else.

    And as for Mr. Smith’s comment about the Green Hornet, well– all I have to say is:
    “don’t you worry, never fear
    the Green Hornet will soon be here”. And his Philipino Valet, Kato.
    And not Van Williams or Seth Rogen. Anybody want to audition?

  • I have not listened to this yet, but I am looking forward to it. The Lone Ranger is my favorite character and my favorite Old Time Radio show. The original version of this episode is my favorite of the series. I hope this lives up to it.

  • We also loved doing this, wish we can find more public domain episodes. Cap 🙂

  • Hmm. I thought they were all PD.

    Anyway, nice job on the episode. I enjoyed it and plan to listen to the others. Hoping for episode 6.

  • No, only a few, less then a hand full. 🙁

  • These are the only episodes I can find in written form. We have two more on tap, one to be released Monday Jan 9 2012.

    MadMikeyD – I just visited your website (shame on me for taking so long to do that) – I am impressed, and I am glad you liked our renditions of the show. He is a favourite character of mine as well. As a boy, I remember meeting Clayton Moore on one of his travels to upstate New York (I remember having my mom drive me to Buffalo to see him and I am sure I had an autographed pic now, alas, lost in the dusts of time). We do have plans to do a Green Hornet series. I am still on the lookout for more LR scripts and my “Misfits Audio Players” are willing to do more.

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