Eye for an Eye Episode 1: Loss

 Eye for an Eye Ep 1

Adventuring, romance, silliness and danger follow a forgetful pirate as she tries to remember the life she had before losing her memories in a “terrible belayin’ pin accident.”

Written, Directed, and Mixed by: Kristy Plotkin
Script Edited by: Alexiel Gutierrez
Music Credits: Kevin McLeod
Sound Effects Credit: Soundsnap, Hollywood Edge, Sound Ideas, BBC

Featuring the voice talents of:
John Bell as the Narrator
Kristy Plotkin as Kryda Mikhip
Alec Mobus as Erik Neerag
Alexiel Gutierrez as Lexington A. Connathey
Russell Gold as Riley Greenley
James Wetuski as Prince Dameon Castanelle of Aelia
Alysa Michelle Ruprect Breen as Savat Arkat

Special voice guest:
Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as Ari Connathey
Greg Vander Velde as the Sailor
Laura Frechette as the Whore
Scott Vinnacombe as Kurt
Robert McBeth as Vonno
Larry Phelan as the Barkeep
Jeremy Pierce as the Chap
Jonathan Edward Dolnier as the Fellow

5 Comments to “Eye for an Eye Episode 1: Loss”

  • Oh, this is so lovely~ It’s nice to hear everyone come to life~

  • Folks, if you enjoy adventure, lost love, privates, and a little bit of mystery, this series is it. Welcome aboard mate, hold on to your coins!! Capt. John

  • What exactly do you mean by “privates”? I haven’t listened to it yet, but will do now- I guess it will come clear to me then. Looking forward to it. And “hello” to Cmdr. Dovan!

  • 20 minutes into listening to the show. The writing is very good, and the execution is excellent. Nice job.

  • Very good. I like the humor at the very end.

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