Green Lantern Man without Fear: Episode 1 “The Capture”

Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to bring back the first episode of Green Lantern with hopes you will take the time and go through our archives to hear the rest of this great show. We start our series with a present day wrap up of recent events. The Green Lantern Corps just had its introduction to the Sinestro Corps…the hard way!! How did they fair? And is that their biggest problem?

Main cast in this episode were:

Darren Marlar as Hal Jordan
H. Keith Lyons as Guy Gardner
Chris Stadther as John Stewart
Jack Calk as Kyle Raynor
Philip Weber as Oliver Queen
Glenn Gover as Sodam Yat
M. Sieiro Garcia as Carol Ferris
Bernadette M. Groves as Tora
MJ Cogburn as The Announcer

And our special guest stars for this episode were:
Kateryna Fury as Guardian #1
Kim Gianopolis as Guardian #2
Philip Weber as Guardian #3 /Voice Green Lantern Rings
Lyn Cullen as Guardian #4
Glenn Gover as Guardian #5
Michael Liebmann as Guardian #6
Deborah Adams as Guardian #7
Richard Casto as Guardian #8 and Dart Player #2
Bear Schacht as Partier #1 and Dart Player #1 and
Bernadette M. Groves as Woman #1
Jack Calk, Rebecca Sidders, Jon Sidders, and Jovian Lab as The Crowd

Green Lantern: Man without Fear was written and directed by Jovian Lab.

Edited: Jim Smagata
Producer: Jovian Lab
Executive Producer: Capt. John Tadrzak
Post Production: M.J. Cogburn
Webmaster: April Sadowski
Art by Steven “Sash” Scott

Capt. John Tadrzak is CEO of

We would also like to thank Capt. John Tadrzak of Misfits Audio for airing this show. This production is for entertainment purposes only and no money has been or will be made from this production.
We are not affiliated in any way with Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc. or DC Comics. Green Lantern was originally created by John Broome and Gil Kane.

Misfits Audio Productions Copyright 2011.>

3 Comments to “Green Lantern Man without Fear: Episode 1 “The Capture””

  • And the SERIES begins. Hope you all enjoy this. It was a long time in the making. Cap 🙂

  • Was there ever any more episodes done? Really enjoying the work, but sorry if that’s the end.

  • There was 11 Green Lantern episodes. That is all the writer did for us.

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